
Histrionic Lyrically Dependent Prepubescent Hack Band

i am trying too hard
i am trying too hard
i am trying too hard
i am trying too hard

to be what you need

(i'm trying too hard) to be what you need?
or i'm trying too hard (to be what you need)?
even i don't know where the emphasis falls anymore

watch me walk--i'll kill it, i'll kill it
my pseudo-intellectualism has abandoned your pretty words,
left me for your pretty mouth
filled my head with hard unrounding consonants and condolences

it's called a cliche for a reason
thank you for not talking. thank you for not talking back.
thank you for leaving me for dead.

my fingers tap, rub,
sssssmack against my thighs
in a pretty mockery of rhythm
goosebumps raise and remind me that you left me cold
or maybe that i can't ever quit you cold-turkey
a charlie brown scream (augh! augh!) tumbles through my lips
as you once again pull the football (or maybe the rug)
from where it should have connected

d a g b g b g d a g b g b g
d a g b g b g d a g b g b g
b f# e g e g e b f# e g e g e
eminor b e minor b
f# f# c # e
b f# e g e g e b f# e g e g e
d a g b g b g d a g b g b g
b f# e g e g e b f# e g e g e
d a g b g b g d a g b g b g
d a g b g b g d a g b g b g

you can sin or spend the night all alone. jesse lacey will always say it better.

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